Friday, November 25, 2022

A Little Dirt Never Hurt

 I finally made it to my desk for a few minutes recently and finished a card that I had the elements already stamped for. I used some great The Rabbit Hole Designs clear stamps, Desert Background DP and SXS Life DP and its coordinating die set

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Our youngest son does rock crawling and built his rock crawler from parts. How amazing!  I colored my images with my OLO markers. I  really need to get the other half of the set! I probably will after I recover from my Dec. surgery.

Here's a closer look at the buggy. I didn't get fancy with my coloring on it as right now I'm a bit shaky due to my chemo. I am done with it but it will take time to recover my strength, stamina, and appetite.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Friends brought us dinner and we had a great time though I was struggling with fatigue.

I hope to be able to get back to my desk a bit more next week.

Stampin Carol

Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.  Psalm 147:5

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